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第 9 届中国长春国际陶艺作品邀请展作品征集函

时间:2020-03-12 10:09 来源:长春国际陶瓷艺术馆
【字体: 打印



        2020 年新年即将来临之际,谨向您致以最亲切地问候!

        长春国际陶瓷艺术馆作为国际陶艺学会(IAC)会员, 从 2011 年开始已经成功举办了 8 届中国长春国际陶艺作品邀请展(陶艺大赛),吸引了各国众多艺术家们的关注和 参与,先后有 51 个国家的 220 余名陶艺家报名参展,创作了主题鲜明、特色突出、手法多样、风格迥异的陶艺作品800 余件,突显了长春陶艺展在“国际性、广泛性、多样性” 方面的特点,并在国内外产生了一定的影响力。

        通过多种渠道我们了解到,您从事陶艺创作多年,作 品广受读者喜爱,并形成了自己独特风格;同时在学术理论方面亦有较深的造诣,鉴于此,我们诚挚地邀请您参加今年 8 月在长春举办的第 9 届国际陶艺作品邀请展。















2020年 3月3日



第 9 届中国长春国际陶艺作品邀请展参展说明



1、时间:2020 年 8 月 3 日至 8 月 17 日(共 15 天);



4、要求:每人完成 3 件作品;携带 2 件,现场创作 1件;

5、作品规格:每件作品不小于(长+ 宽+ 高)80cm;

6、创作期间,举办“陶艺论坛”活动,请准备论文或发言稿(每篇文字中文不少于 3 000 字);



9、完成作品者,主办方支付每人创作费 7 000 元人民币;

10、每人 3 件作品的所有权归属主办方;并向其颁发收藏证书。

11、若您有意报名参展,请于 2020 年 4 月 15 日前回函,并将作品小样或照片(详尽尺寸)及个人资料报送主 办方;

12、经主办方评审委员会同意,将在 5 月15日后,向您发出正式邀请函;

13、主办方提供泥料、色料、釉料、工具、器械、设 备(窑炉)等,如特殊工具或原料,请自备;















The 9th China Changchun International Ceramics Symposium

Call for Ceramists




Dear Artist,




As a member of IAC (International Academy of Ceramics) , Changchun International Ceramics Gallery has successfully hosted the 8th China Changchun International Ceramics Symposium (Ceramics Contest) since 2011. The Symposium has attracted the attention of artists around the world. More than 220 ceramists from 51 countries have participated the Symposium and have created more than 800 ceramic works with distinctive themes, prominent features, diverse techniques and different styles, which highlighted the characteristics of Changchun Ceramics Symposium in terms of "internationalism, universality and diversity" and exerted a certain influence at home and abroad.

Through various channels, we learned that you have been engaged in ceramics creation for many years, and has formed your own unique style.

Your works are well loved by readers. Meanwhile you’ve got deep attainments in academic theory. Therefore, we sincerely invite you to participate in the 9th China Changchun International Ceramics Symposium in August.

It will be our great honor if you could accept the invitation. We are looking forward to hearing from you.



Contact Person:Dan Yao


Attachment: Instruction of the Symposium




Changchun International Ceramics Gallery

March 3rd, 2020




Instructions of the 9th China Changchun
International Ceramics Symposium



1. Date: August 3rd to August 17th, 2020 (15 days in total)

2. Location: Changchun Lotus Mountain Ecological Tourism Resort

3. Theme: Classic, Uniqueness, Fusion

4. Requirement: each person offers 3 works, among which 2 works are brought to Changchun and 1 work is created on the scene.

5. Specification of your works: Each work is not less than 80cm (length + width + height);

6. During the Symposium, the Ceramics Forum will also be held, a thesis or a speech need to be prepared. (not less than 3000 characters);

7. The Organizing Committee of Ceramics Symposium (hereinafter the Organizing Committee) bears your transportation costs;

8. The Organizing Committee bears your food, accommodation and transportation costs in Changchun.

9. The Organizing Committee will pay RMB 7,000Yuan as the creation fee for those who complete the works.

10. The ownership of aforementioned 3 works belongs to the Organizing Committee; the certificate will be issued for work collection.

11. If you are interested in signing up the Symposium, please reply before April 15th, 2020, and submit photos of your works (with detailed description for the size of your works) as well as the personal profile to the Organizing Committee.

12. With the consent of the jury of Organizing Committee, a formal invitation letter will be sent to you after May 15th,2020;

13. The Organizing Committee provides mud, color, glaze, tools, instruments, equipment (kiln), etc. Please prepare your own special tools or raw materials according to your own specific need;

14. There will be an elaborate list for other relevant information or details in the formal invitation letter;

15. If you have any questions or doubts, please let us know in your reply.